Groups Activity: Last 30 Days
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New Members
Welcome to the group! You can connect with other members, get updates and share videos.
This thread is dedicated to welcoming new members and providing a space for them to introduce themselves. Members are encouraged to share a bit about their background, their connection to the field of individualized medicine, and what they hope to gain from participating in the forum. This thread helps foster a sense of community and allows members to make initial connections based on shared interests and goals.
Group Rules
Be Respectful
Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Discrimination, harassment, or offensive behavior will not be tolerated.
Stay On Topic
Keep discussions relevant to the thread’s topic. Off-topic posts may be moved or removed by moderators.
Stay On Topic
Contribute constructively to discussions and avoid spamming or posting irrelevant content.
Ask Freely
We welcome and encourage all types of questions. In this evolving field, no one has all the answers, and every question can contribute to our collective knowledge.
Ask Freely
Asking questions helps us advance individualized medicines together, and your inquiry may benefit others in the community.
Protect Privacy
Respect the privacy of others. Do not share personal information without permission.
Protect Privacy: Patient Voices
This dedicated section will house static posts where patients and family members can share their stories and provide contact information.
Protect Privacy: Patient Voices
To protect privacy, each post will be locked for responses but will amplify the voices and needs of the patient community. Posts will be reviewed and approved by moderators.
Report Issues
If you encounter any issues or violations of these guidelines, report them to Connections moderators, who will address concerns promptly.
Use Direct Messages for Specific Queries
If you have a query addressed to a specific member, please send that query directly via the DM feature and avoid tagging.
Engage Collaboratively
The N1C community includes researchers, patients, nonprofits, and industry members working towards a common goal. Companies are encouraged to engage in collaborative and educational discussions.
Engage Collaboratively
Please avoid using the platform for promotional purposes and focus on sharing valuable resources rather than advertising your company. Promotional posts deemed as advertisements will be removed.
Volunteer-Run Community
This community is run by dedicated volunteers and is a team effort for the benefit of the community. At times, responses may be delayed. Please understand we will address queries as quickly as we can.
- Public
Anyone can view this group.
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August 20, 2024
Created by