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A framework for N-of-1 trials of individualized gene-targeted therapies for genetic diseases
Olivia Kim-McManus, Joseph G. Gleeson, Laurence Mignon, Amena Smith Fine, Winston Yan, Nicole Nolen, Scott Demarest, Elizabeth...
N-of-1 Studies in an Era of Precision Medicine
Erika Augustine, Timothy Yu, Richard Finkel ( JAMA Network ) September 25, 2024 Genetically individualized N-of-1 trials have recently...
Joining forces to develop individualized antisense oligonucleotides for patients with brain or eye diseases: the example of the Dutch Center for RNA Therapeutics
Annemieke Aartsma-Rus, Rob W.J. Collin, Ype Elgersma, Marlen C. Lauffer, Willeke van Roon-Mom ( Therapeutic Advances in Rare Disease )...
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